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Thread: Obama or Romney?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    SF Bay Area
    Wouldn't it be nice if they all just went away and lived in some remote corner. But maybe not, if they armed and organized for a terrorist attack of their own, like Oklahoma City. I believe "socialopolypse" is your own original creation.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    I was paraphrasing Glenn.
    "Sociopocalypse" is a word I'll take credit for.

    That's what the Right are barking about.
    That's what I'll give them.
    Tired of their stupid shit. LOL
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    SF Bay Area
    I have to confess I read about what the right is saying more than I read or listen to what they say. Probably Noam Chomsky listens. He knows everything and follows everything. I think he's said he does, when he's in his car.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ottawa Canada
    We'll see how Republicans re-adjust to the shellacking they just got.
    When will they learn that money and ignorance are just not that awesome?

    Donald Trump called the election a sham.
    No, it wasn't Donald.
    I was certain it would be though, I have to admit. I was certain Romney bought it, lock, stock and fucking barrel.
    In fact, I was so sure he was going to steal the election I'm still in a state of bewilderment that America actually saw right through Mitt's scheme.
    Thanks again. You put the right Man in the Oval Office again.
    Better times are definitely ahead. You. Just. Watch.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    SF Bay Area
    I don't think anybody is going to go through a transformation. Obama will go on being too timid and the Republicans will go on being outrageous and getting away with it. Obama is already using the word "fiscal," which is the code word for budget-cutting and letting the economy tank again, just as the Right, for reasons I do not understand, want it to do. Well, one reason is that they want the Democrats to fail, at all costs. And of course screw the majority.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Ottawa Canada
    Taking off my rose-colored glasses for a moment, I have to say that the U.S. is facing an incredibly serious problem.
    You can't spend the way Obama has been spending and have the deficit get higher and higher, while a gridlocked Congress raises the debt ceiling.

    So Republicans can stop licking their wounds and start getting America on track.
    Don't stonewall, don't whine, don't piss and moan. America voted, and you lost. Just like 4 years ago.
    Get with the program.
    You can pat yourselves on the back (like you love to do) when the country is back on a "fiscal" track.
    A budget is still at least a decade away for the United States, but taxing the super-rich is a VERY sound plan.
    Make these super-pac bitches PAY THROUGH THE NOSE.
    Money isn't real anyways, so it's no problem.
    The Rich Righties can suck it. You didn't lift a finger for your wealth. And you arrogantly look down on those who see you for what you are?
    Eat Shit and Die.
    I almost want the whole global economy to collapse so I can smile hard.
    "We're in this together" isn't a catchphrase. You breathe the same air I do, Paco.
    You think "classes" are necessary and that the human race should be segmented. There is a difference between a "mixed economy" and outright Class War. And the poor have had quite enough of it. There is no trickle down. The trickle stopped on 9/11.

    Mitt Romney and his batshit insane idiot backers thought money was all he needed.
    You needed a soul, a clue, a brain, a plan, a Life, in short, a HUMAN to win the election.
    Take note Republitards: Don't ever put a sad-sack piece of shit corporate clown up for President again.
    If you do, we'll just laugh at you again.
    And vote for Michelle Obama. (She will probably run right after her Hubby!)
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    I was speaking to all the rich fucks who think the world is ending with Obama's win in that last post.

    And I'm speaking to you now: If I was a millionaire, I would know that many people helped me get it. That would be a given.
    No man or woman on the planet made millions by themselves. In fact, that is my number one problem with a "free market" system:
    I cannot make a million dollars unless I make someone else a million dollars FIRST.
    I have to be "let in" to the club, so to speak.
    Man's humanity has been waning for a long time, and with the Reich-Wing thinking money is the end-all be-all for the world's problems, we are starved for leaders with HUMANITY. The Leaders are usually are rich too (Obama is Richie Rich himself) but it is a small miracle that he includes ALL Americans in his plan for America. It's quite remarkable, actually. It's a real breath of Fresh Air.
    It's something to celebrate.
    Class War and divisions between "Americans" is a cosmic joke. I can't believe that people WANT that type of system,
    that they embrace it with both arms, that they want to be partisan until they DIE.
    Wow. Who raised you?

    One Nation. Under God.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd


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