Further, why are you wanting to compare the violence in any movie with Tarantino? If you want to compare other movies to the level of graphic violence in a Tarantino film, you'd have to compare his movies with horror movies that show very graphic violence, not the kind shown in "Jack Reacher." I mean, really, Chris. This isn't about me. It's about that movie you love and can't admit it is chock full of the kind of graphic images you've come to accept as being acceptable levels of violence to tell a story. What is it inside you that allows that to happen? At what point in your life did you to come to the realization that graphic violence is entertainment? Weren't you ever frightened by it? If you saw that on the street, would you stand by and stare at it, unfeeling? Because that is what is happening right now in places like India and Pakistan where violence is carried out every day and the populace stands by and watches as if that is the norm. I find it deplorable and will continue to speak out about it. The fault, dear Brutus, is in ourselves.