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Thread: Polanski's THE PIANIST

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Beautiful Oregon Coast

    Polanski's THE PIANIST

    I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to see Polanski's latest film. There is a fascinating review titled: The Eternal Nazi: Watching Roman Polanski's The Pianist in Germany By William Grim. It was originally published on December 2, 2002.

    There are some extreme, even outrageous points made in this review. I not only find them difficult to believe, but think they suggest a characteristic of the German people that is inflamatory — does nothing to promote real understanding.

    What are your views?

    Find the review at:

    The broad U.S. release of THE PIANIST will be January 3rd.
    Last edited by docraven; 12-28-2002 at 01:20 AM.


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