Though it’s easily recommendable, Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s trifle is just as easily forgettable. Try as he might, Jeunet isn’t able to create anything remotely indelible in this sweet story of a wistful young woman (Audrey Tautou) who attempts to make the people who inhabit her world happier; when she comes across a book of strange portrait photography, she sets out to connect with the photographer (Mathieu Kassovitz). Jeunet pulls out all the animated and digital stops at his disposal and while it’s never less than lovely to gaze at, it has the qualities of a comedy sketch television show (indeed, it has the feel of a low-key French Monty Python) and when the mysterious old man in the apartment below that appears in every French romance starts to become a major character, you know there isn’t much point in paying close attention. Some might find this simple but densely-packed feature charming in its innocence (and goodness knows we need more films like this that have no use for violence) but others might be immune to its charms because of its one-dimensional presentation. It’s a film for which it’s quite possible to enjoy yet have absolutely no opinion.