Other plusses the movie had going for it: the introduction of the Batmobile was exciting. A great chase sequence, with machine guns and mayhem. I liked this Batman's batmobile and jet and other gadgets. Homages to Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns were great- Batman with his rifle, for one. I liked the Elseworlds-style dream sequence too.

Where was the real Lex Luthor? If he has to be in this movie, then make him the genuine article. Seriously, Eisenberg is a fish out of water, embarrassing. You watch him speak & twitch and you wonder "what's going through his head?"
Max von Sydow would make a great Lex Luthor. He was awesome in the new Star Wars, let him in a superhero flick again, like he did with Flash Gordon.
Is there plans for Eisenberg to reprise his role? With his shorn head? Lordy Begordy I hope not. lol

So yeah, you can see the Batsignal from Metropolis, Batman and Superman stop fighting and team up because their mothers have the same name. I found it interesting that the sentiment thru this movie is kind like "No one is Heroic- you may be a good person, but eventually you cave". I loved it when Superman smashed shit up & told Bruce that the Batman is dead, and if he wanted it, he'd be dead already. That was Boss. So was Superman as a corpse floating out in space- nice touch there. I've seen something similar in the comics...
This is a "boys with their toys" superhero movie. Aestheticly it's very appealing- I also liked the scene where Aquaman appears- in a sunken ship's hull. He looks interesting. They're not making him look lame, a very wise move. Aquaman gets a bad rap, but I love the character. He covers more territory than land-lubbers, and it's only him, the only King of the Seven Seas! No pretenders to the throne. He is Lono.

Perry White was given nothing to do. Why waste a fine acting icon like Lawrence Fishburne? He went through a lot in Man of Steel, and he seems unaffected by it. He's a little more animated in Dawn of Justice, but he literally had nothing to do.