My theory on the Todd Haynes FAR FROM HEAVEN snub: The accomplishments of the film were overlooked by the Academy and critics at large because Todd Haynes made it look so easy. To make an homage to 50's weepies (which often teeter on the edge of camp while still being remarkably touching) and get the tone just right is a bold challenge to face. Todd Haynes pulls it off with enormous skill. Not to mention the brilliant Julianne Moore, whose work has been consistently good in films like SAFE, THE END OF THE AFFAIR and even in AN IDEAL HUSBAND [that rotten film]. It is almost a shame that her work is so skillful; she makes it look too easy. I fear her performance will be overlooked because Nicole Kidman is wearing a fake nose (Kidman is a labored actress, though this is by far her best work). Don't get me wrong, I loved THE HOURS and think it is a challenging and beautiful movie with its three separate stories so carefully interwoven, but the difficulties of making a film like FAR FROM HEAVEN are myriad and should be honored. I hope it gets some kind of attention at the awards. Though really - who cares in the end. The Oscars are just a marketing tool anyway. I mean - look at the history - SONG OF BERNADETTE won over CASABLANCA... When are the Oscars ever fair or right?