This actress-y diva orgy is nothing more than a non-intellectual's intellectual soap opera. The performances are fine -if a bit overpraised- but the film is an over-stylized vision of depression that is ultimately reduced to a 'life goes on' philosophy. Kidman has the most interesting character and segment but the director keeps the camera on Meryl Streep's usual tricks -the fidgeting, the darting eyes and constant movement- and highly theatrical dialogue; every line between she and Ed Harris (wasted here like he was in A Beautiful Mind) sounds like a headline shouted to the third balcony. Toni Colette is good as usual but Jeff Daniels's(a good actor) contribution -and character- was not even needed. Julianne Moore gives probably the best performance in the film. The Hours is far from an insult to the intelligence (like Steel Magnolias or Beaches) but it eventually succumbs to its own self-importance and lofty artistic ambitions.