Quote Originally Posted by cinemabon View Post
Great to hear from you, Johann. Trust me (a Han line), you'll love it.
Thanks cinemabon. Hope all is well in your universe.

Yep, looking forward to Solo. Wanna see how Ron Howard does Star Wars. George Lucas basically taught him cinema.
I wonder when Steven Spielberg will do one...in the late 90's he expressed interest in doing a Star Wars AND a Harry Potter.
I'll see SOLO soon and post about it. There are flaws with The Last Jedi, but I overlook them because I was compensated with the right amount of gravitas that I seek in a Star Wars movie. But I'm fully aware of the fan backlash. I know how pissed off people are.
Time heals all wounds, and I think in time fans will come around. I laughed a LOT during The Last Jedi, and it was because I couldn't believe that they went where they went. All the hype and build-up from The Force Awakens morphed into something completely different! And yet the character arcs evolved. The scope of what was happening re-arranged our medullas! And a lot of fans resent that.
But. Not. Me.
Masterpiece. I applaud Rian Johnson. The guy was crucified critically and by the fans. But he stands tall.
All that seemed wrong with The Last Jedi actually works if you look closely.