The Genius of Cronenberg
David Cronenberg is a man who has forged a body of work that stands on it's own.
From Shivers to Existenz he is a true Canadian original. His latest film has all the integrity you'd expect from a man who I like to say is the cinematic equivalent to Stephen King. (King's "films" lack the punch his novels have).
If you like to "be afraid of the dark" and not be confused, you will thoroughly enjoy his films. While he has often been compared to David Lynch (up here in the great white north anyway) he has a completely different style . An almost exclusively horror director, Cronenberg has a cult following that just grows and grows. "SPIDER" will spawn even more fans, I feel.
It is an epic horror film that will be revered in due time. see it at all costs and have a truly engaging experience at the movies.
"Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd