Context is all-important when you deal with politics.

Trump supporters genuinely feel that the election was stolen.
They simply refuse to believe that Joe Biden got more votes- 7 million more in fact.
Even the Right’s King Mouthpiece Rush Limbaugh said on-air that there simply wasn’t enough cheating for the election to be fraudulent, that it’s impossible to steal millions of votes.

Did they hear him when he said that?
Did they hear him when he admitted that hardly anyone listens to him anymore?
That his influence is not as far-reaching as in days of Yore?
Apparently not, if the comments on his podcasts are any indication.
I have been Rush’s opponent for a while, but I can say that even tho he still traffics in hate and division, he’s been trying to be as truthful as he can possibly be, without upsetting the Trump rotten apple cart...
He’s smart enough to drop mayor-of-Realville truth bombs on occasion.
It’s not enough to excuse 4 years of misguided Malarkey, but at least he WILL have moments of crystal ship clarity on-air from time to time.

Rush told his listeners that the days of “retail” politics are over, that the days of power-sharing between Democrats and Republicans are over.
Trump killed that.
We are about to see many years of Democrat control, and I’m ok with that.
Republicans, in an ideal world, should be the USA’s ruling party.
But they can’t get their shit together.
They back horses that don’t finish the race, to quote Hunter Thompson.