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Thread: 2020 U.S. Election

  1. #1
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    Ottawa Canada

    2020 U.S. Election

    Today is Election Day in the USA.

    What’s gonna happen?
    I don’t have a crystal ball but I think it’ll be a landslide for Biden winning.
    Trump is a total failure and disgrace, an abhorrent “leader” who doesn’t deserve
    to be where he is.
    He’s not “suave” as I heard one of his supporters describe him as.
    They think he knows the key to winning, that he “doesn’t get into things to lose”...
    Well Chachi, he’s just about to taste a one term defeat.

    My good buddy Rush Limbaugh is harping that voter turnout will be the deciding factor in this election, and I agree.
    And Rushie was also on Fox and Friends this morning, thanking Trump for his service to America.
    When Rush is unsure of a Trump victory you know the gig is up...
    He also referenced God and his personal relationship with Jesus Christ again.
    Lord, I pray that’s true.
    I sincerely hope that’s the case, Rush. You’ve got some things to atone for, don’t ya?

    Biden is not ideal as a Presidential candidate, but he’s infinitely preferable to Drumpf.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  2. #2
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    As Hunter S. Thompson would say: HO HO HO!

    This election was way closer than anyone predicted.
    The polls were wrong (again!) and voter turnout was up from 2016.
    Trump shit the bed last night, what with his declaring victory and demanding all ballots be stopped from being counted...He blew his credibility to smithereens.

    As of this writing we have no winner, with many ballots still to be counted.

    If Arizona and the blue wall holds, Biden wins.
    If Trump wins, then America, YOU DESERVE THE FUCKER.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  3. #3
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    It’s looking like it was a landslide for JOE....
    A landslide of Mail—In ballots!!!
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  4. #4
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    Joltin’ Joe & Kween Kamala win the White House!!

    Trump has been repudiated.
    Maybe Ivanka can help the moron pack.
    Joe has received more votes than any President in HISTORY.
    The young, blacks and women voted in droves and it makes me very happy.
    Democracy won today.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  5. #5
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    Hey, Johann. How are ya? Manage to get through this chaos? Every time I see a reference to Stanley Kubrick on my YouTube feed, I think of you. Hang in there, buddy.
    Colige suspectos semper habitos

  6. #6
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    Hi cinemabon
    Yep, made it thru the chaos...

    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  7. #7
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    Trump is squatting in the White House.
    He’s refusing to concede when he lost by six million votes...
    He is also just golfing...somebody slap that shithead!

    Today on his radio show Rush asked Trump haters to explain why they hate him.
    Here’s why, Rush:
    He has no soul.
    Last edited by Johann; 11-23-2020 at 01:19 PM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  8. #8
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    It's so apparent what he values. He was more interested in the Dow Jones this week than the misery of Americans who are suffering. Disgusting.
    Colige suspectos semper habitos

  9. #9
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    The guy is just a soulless greedhead.

    By refusing to concede he reveals how childish he is.
    The moron can’t accept defeat.
    He can console himself with the fact that 70 million people voted for him.
    That is simply amazing: that so many thought he was good for the country.
    America is clearly divided, and Trump bears a lot of responsibility for it.

    I can’t wait to see his stupid fat ass thrown out in January.
    The past 4 years felt like 40.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  10. #10
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    9 days to the election results being certified.

    Trump is “camplaining”, holding a loser rally to squeeze more money out of his hapless supporters.
    The Georgia senate race looks to be swinging Democrat, what with Obama’s huge boost...

    2020 was a dumpster fire, and trump was the fuel.
    America voted, and the loser is out.
    Thank God.
    His admin. Was the most incompetent we’ve ever seen, and we saw Dubya up close...
    He’s so incompetent he can’t even LOSE right!
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  11. #11
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    I wish I knew what he plans as even today, at the virus press conference, he still claimed he won and planned on taking office next year. It's December 8th, 34 days after the election, and this is what he's still insisting. It's very bizarre and unnerving. To tell the truth, I'm extremely concerned he's going to force some terrible conclusion to this self-made crisis.
    Colige suspectos semper habitos

  12. #12
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    It’s very concerning and unnerving.

    As Jake Tapper pointed out, Trump did NOT win, he lost to Biden’s 81 million votes. And it doesn’t matter what Trump says or does.
    Biden will be sworn in January 20th.
    If trump wants to pull some crazy shit, he will be dealt with.

    There’s already been calls for a “presidential crimes” body to Investigate this orange clown.
    He’s crossed the line so many times it’s ridiculous.
    His supporters think he has balls, but those with a brain know he’s a coward. And a bad loser. And a scared fraud. And an idiot. And a grifter- look how he fleeced his supporters for his legal bills! Wow.

    We’ve never seen such bald hypocrisy and treason and shamelessness in the White House. We’ve seen some shady shit, but not on this level.
    Rudy G. Got COVID this week too!
    For guys who claim it’s “just the Flu” they sure get whisked off to a hospital for the best meds and treatments on earth...
    Fucking hypocrite scum.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  13. #13
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    Shot down in a blaze of glory

    The Supreme Court shot down Trump's Texas lawsuit, deeming it unworthy of even hearing.
    You need PROOF of widespread voter fraud, and Trumpy has none.
    What business is it of Texas's to meddle with other States' election results?
    Talk about grasping at straws...

    Charges should be filed against Trump and his lawyers.
    It's against the law to waste a court's time with bogus charges, especially the SUPREME court.
    Trump's own appointees saw through him, and stayed true to the Rule of Law.
    They have my respect for that.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  14. #14
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    Trump desperately wants credit for this vaccine...he wants a hail mary from Tom Brady so bad he can TASTE it....LOL

    He also tweeted "We have just begun to fight" and never credited John Paul does he Suck!
    The grifting walking covid catastrophe Prez...You can tell by the way he walks that he's a Loser.
    Scuttlebutt is that Trump wants to run again in 2024.
    I wonder how oily Mike Pence feels about that. "Yes Mr. President! I'll lick your boots for the ten millionth time!"

    These 126 Republicans who backed Trump's Texas lawsuit are shit-stained forever by it.
    They put Trump before country.
    It's Astounding.
    Last edited by Johann; 12-14-2020 at 10:56 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  15. #15
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    The Electoral College certified the election results yesterday, and Joe Biden is President.

    As I heard someone say on CNN: they turned the electoral college into an EVENT! Wow!
    Something so routine and pedestrian was made into a big deal!
    Attorney General Bill Barr was fired yesterday too- the MINUTE the results came in. Amazing.
    Make no mistake: Trump's toadie didn't resign. He was told what to do or be fired. Period.
    An idiot can see that.
    Good riddance to an ugly fuckwad.
    Enjoy yer Christmas Bill, you filthy animal...
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

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