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Thread: 2020 U.S. Election

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    North Carolina
    Merry Christmas... still worried about January 6th and these Special Councils he's creating. He's so mean spirited and vengeful. I think he's planning something evil.
    Colige suspectos semper habitos

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    Sorry, the filthy animal merry Christmas was for Bill BARR!!
    So this one's for you, Bill S. hahaha

    Because it's Christmas Eve I want to keep it as positive as possible, and it's hard to do with this stimulus bill, offering a paltry $600 to people who've been in dire straits for 9 months.
    Try to keep in mind these "lawmakers" make $130,000+ a year in salary, only to argue all year over handing out 600 bucks. It's stunning.

    Rush Limbaugh did his final radio broadcast for the year yesterday and he got emotional, expressing gratitude for those who've been there for him throughout his illness, including his listeners.
    You don't see Rush get emotional often, in fact I've never seen it. I just assumed he's got a Heart of Stone.
    But there he was, tearing up. I believe him when he says he gets most thankful at Christmastime. I sincerely believe he has profound memories of Christmas from his youth.
    It pleases me immensely that he made it to Christmas day, Christ's birthday. (Not really his birthday because his birth and death dates are not actually known).
    I said I would believe that he has a personal relationship with Christ if he makes it to Christmas day. And he did and I do.
    I have profound qualms with Rush's politics, but that can be set aside in the name of God.
    He is Blessed.
    I prayed for him and still do. He will leave a big void when he departs. No one can do what he does. Not as well, anyhow. His mind is too nimble, and that's why he's so dangerous to his opponents.
    He's lucky to have had that nimbleness of mind all the way to age 77.
    You made your mark Rush. Once from the Heart ain't got no expiry date...
    You were like a comet, but not a brief one blazing across the sky.
    My thread on you was genuine- I wrote with passion and I did what I had to do.
    Some may look on it as "ratting", but I'll take those arrows. I didn't rat. I claimed Justice.
    And all's fair in love and war, right Sailor?
    Tell us about the white, blind Light if you get a chance..
    Last edited by Johann; 12-24-2020 at 10:40 AM.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  3. #18
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    Ottawa Canada
    So Trump signs the COVID-19 relief bill after farting around and golfing?
    Did he actually sign into law a $2000 per home relief check?
    Which is exactly what Canada gave out? From the get-go?
    I bet mitch the Bitch ain’t happy ‘bout that!!

    President Joe Biden says that the transition hasn’t been completely smooth, that he’s getting roadblocks from the Pentagon and other Kubrick demanded to know, WHAT IS THIS MICKEY MOUSE SHIT?!
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  4. #19
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    Even though I’m not a “political activist” per se, it is a tenet.

    I advocate political activism.
    My Rush Limbaugh thread is just that, a political wake-up.
    It’s my brand of gonzo journalism. Hunter Thompson taught me how to stick to your guns, how to “not take any guff from these Swine”...
    If my claims were false, I would be sued into the ground for slander, anonymous guy on the internet or not.
    The fact is I chase truth. I don’t have 100% of it, but a good chunk.
    I hide behind nothing.
    My real name is no secret- if you want it you got it.
    I stand behind what I write, as gonzo as it is.
    Never forget that.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  5. #20
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    Trump has completed his destruction of the GOP.
    The Georgia Senate runoff election is over, and those 2 seats went to Democrats.
    Mitch the Bitch is now Senate MINORITY Leader...

    As Chuck Schumer said, “BUCKLE UP KIDS!”
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  6. #21
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    So Trump is basically a felon right now.

    He incited an insurrection/riot that resulted in 5 deaths.
    Rudy Giuliani is also a felon with his “trial by Combat” riot inciting too.
    Articles of impeachment are being drawn up as we speak, the second time this twunt has faced impeachment.
    The 25th Amendment is being invoked to remove the piece of shit from office now.
    Felonies are gonna rain down on the rioters, who are not American.
    They reside in thugland and buttfuck Arkansas.

    What a low watermark for the USA...
    The whole world watched that debacle and shook their heads in revulsion.
    Wow did Trump ever throw Pence under the bus, huh?
    He had to be whisked out of there or face death!
    Pence now finds himself in a position to be a hero and bring the hammer down with the 25th amendment...
    Trump leaves office as he entered it: as a big old bag of shit.

    It’s now up to Joe Biden to MAGA.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  7. #22
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    Trump also was permanently banned from Twitter for inciting violence.

    And what did Trump do? He used Rush Limbaugh’s account! Which has also been taken down.
    That neuters and muzzles the fucking dog.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  8. #23
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    Donald Trump’s obliviousness proves to me that he’s just an actor.

    There had better be consequences for these rioters and Trump himself.
    If there isn’t, then you can unequivocally call the USA a banana republic.

    I’m currently watching an FBI press briefing that’s encouraging.
    They’re being frank, saying it will be a LONG investigation into the criminal activity that happened.
    There were thefts, assaults and felony murder cases here.
    It’s mind blowing for sure.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  9. #24
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    Donald Trump has been impeached for the second time, six days before he’s out the door...

    You can’t find a bigger fuck-up than the Donald.
    His lawyers are trying to say his incitement of violence is “protected speech”.
    NO IT ISN’T!
    He’s actually facing federal prison for causing an insurrection against the United States government.
    He basically told his retarded supporters “Go Get ‘Em!”.
    And those dolts who are being arrested all have a similar defence: “I was just following my President!”
    The Nazis had the same defence at the Nuremberg trials. “I was just following orders!”

    I blame some of this on MELANIA TRUMP.
    Hey cunt: Donald hasn’t been laid in YEARS.
    YOU AREN’T doing your wifely duty!
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  10. #25
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    Ottawa Canada
    Donald has been impeached more times than he’s been elected.

    He hasn’t said a peep about the five who died.
    All he’s done is hold a pity party for being kicked off social media.
    It’s amazing.
    Deutchebank wants nothing to do with him anymore, scores of businesses are shunning the Trump name.
    He’s in a pariah death spiral, whether he knows it or not.
    I said if he pulls some stupid shit he’ll be dealt with, AND HE IS.
    NOBODY wants anything to do with the Loser-in-Chief.
    The guy’s name is camel shit.

    Rush Limbaugh poo-poohed the idea of Trump having his own show in other media, saying it would encroach on donny’s freedom to golf on a whim. LOL

    So what’s a fat slob Grifter to do?
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  11. #26
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    Ottawa Canada
    Donald Gump has left Washington.

    Joe and Jill went up the Hill
    To start to heal the Nation.
    Trump the Clown stepped way Down
    To face Incarceration.

    yes, I stole that from a Facebook meme.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Carolina
    Hope you are well and on the road to recovery. I love being able to watch daily press briefings on Youtube - the White House has a permanent site set up with both live and recorded press briefings. Winters are so tough in Canada. Stay healthy and I LOVE your Kubrick painting.
    Colige suspectos semper habitos

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Ottawa Canada
    Yes, it’s so refreshing to see honesty and truth in a press briefing.
    Kaylee McA-Fucky was an unmitigated disaster.

    The Kubrick painting turned out better than I hoped! I love it too...
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  14. #29
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    It’s safe to say that the Senate won’t convict Trump.
    Republicans are well known to be cowards, so it isn’t surprising.
    Trump will be back on the ballot for the mid-terms, so I hope Democrats are preparing.
    Trump is like a bad case of syphillis.

    The democrats have a lot of work to do in a very short time.
    They had better get wise to this spectre of Trump returning or all will be for nought...
    The MAGATS are lying in wait...
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    Gotta say something about Rush Limbaugh.

    Someone posted on a YouTube video of his podcast:
    Why would a dying man spend his last days spreading hate?

    The reply came: “Probably a contract clause where he loses money if he doesn’t show up.”

    That got me thinking, what is el Rushbo doing with his money?
    I heard a rumour that he doesn’t want to give his considerable wealth to his young wife Kathryn.
    Is he gonna bail Trump out?
    What. Is. He. Doing. With. His. Millions.?
    Inquiring minds want to know...
    Hey Rush, if you’re listening, you should turn your estate in Palm Beach into a museum...I hear your library is most impressive. You could hire a guy like me to curate/host the place. Lol what do you say?
    You need your legacy preserved, don’t you?
    Sail down the Styx with Johann!
    Hotel George’s V needs a proper curator!
    Don’t leave it up to ninnies!
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

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