It’s very concerning and unnerving.

As Jake Tapper pointed out, Trump did NOT win, he lost to Biden’s 81 million votes. And it doesn’t matter what Trump says or does.
Biden will be sworn in January 20th.
If trump wants to pull some crazy shit, he will be dealt with.

There’s already been calls for a “presidential crimes” body to Investigate this orange clown.
He’s crossed the line so many times it’s ridiculous.
His supporters think he has balls, but those with a brain know he’s a coward. And a bad loser. And a scared fraud. And an idiot. And a grifter- look how he fleeced his supporters for his legal bills! Wow.

We’ve never seen such bald hypocrisy and treason and shamelessness in the White House. We’ve seen some shady shit, but not on this level.
Rudy G. Got COVID this week too!
For guys who claim it’s “just the Flu” they sure get whisked off to a hospital for the best meds and treatments on earth...
Fucking hypocrite scum.