I was not intending to nip Mr. Stiles. Lots of German women go to Greece to get laid in the summer, and probably to Italy, though. I'm sure of it. I have not internalized any more stereotypes than anybody else, I hope. You do have an uptight German woman. You have a charming, easygoing Italian man who sings and doesn't shave (except just enough), and they get together, and voila! I won't back down on this. It's an elegant, beautiful film. The heroine is a terrific actress and terrific to look at. I am not trashing it by any means. But the solution is pat. Solutions often are. In "The Son's Room," there are no such pat solutions. Of course it isn't a romantic comedy, or doesn't try to be. Those two characters cited, though rather peripheral on screen, do indeed show Germans aren't all cold and uptight. Who said they were?