Most critics and Star Trek fans have used the even number series as a guidepost to whether or not the movie was good or bad, odd being bad and even being good. Ever since the first motion picture came out in 1970, I have also felt the first feature film was the most true to the science fiction genre and the television series itself.

Most of the subsequent movies became more ordinary space westerns, along with line of Star Wars with the good guys versus the bad guys. The first film, however, incorporated the notion of some supposedly sinister unknown phenomenon, eerie in its conception that lent itself to a visual tour de force usually reserved for serious science fiction novel narratives. The movie, except of its miserable special effect scene of Vulcan and the early scenes of Dr. McCoy's stilted performance, the movie incorporates both Captain Kirk's voice over narrative and at times the original musical theme from the television series. No where else can the innovative, sci fi themes be found as compelling as the first movie.