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Thread: Eternal Sunshine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Eternal Sunshine

    Hi, this isn't Oscar. Actually I'm his daughter, Chelsea. But whatever, same thing. (lol YEAH RIGHT!) Today we went to see "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind" I thought it was INCREDIBLE! (But of course, I'm just a stupid kid. So, what do I know? lol)
    The movie starts with the two main characters meeting, giving you the impression that it is the first time they meet. The beginning sort of just dissapears when they automatically flash forward to a scene of the main male character crying while driving home. You learn that the reason he is so sad is because he has just seen his "girlfriend" (whom he had just quarreled with that same day. You don't know this first, because you don't get to see it until later in the movie.) with another man. (But you don't see who he is and don't get excited because I'm not telling you.) So, his friend shows him a business card that reads "Clementine Blahdeeda has just erased Joel Lalala from her memory. Please never mention their relationship to her again. Thank You, Lacuna." Joel is startled at the sight of it and decides to visit Lacuna. (which is a place where they erase painful memories from peoples minds.) He asks the doctor what was going on. He responds that "Clementine was unhappy and felt she needed to move on..." so she felt it was best if she erased him from her mind. In a rage of anger Joel decides that if she wants him erased then he'd prefer to have her erased from his memory also. So, he goes for the procedure, and he is stuck in his own mind watching all the memories dissapear. While he is in his mind he realizes that he is deeply in love with Clementine and that all her imperfections (even the annoying way that her hair color is always changing to some new "crayola" shade throughout the entire film). Together him and Clementine try to run away from having their memories together erased. The story turns into a sort of cat-and-mouse kind of chase. But at the same time you are in this man's mind looking through his memory as if it were a scrapbook of his life on video.
    It is entirely original. You can see little things dissapearing in the memories they are in. For instance, in one memory they are in a train station and people and luggage just start popping away (literally). In another, they are in Barnes and Noble Bookstore, where Clementine works and you can see the words on signs start to fade and dissapear and the books on the shelves start losing their color. But one of my favorite "memory sequences" was when he takes her to a memory of when he was a little boy (about 4 years old) and he was stuck inside his house on a rainy day but he wanted to ride his bike. He is hiding under the table in his pajamas and his mother is speaking with their neighbor, Mrs.Hamlet (who is now Clementine). You see them pretending to be who they are in the memory they are in because they are escaping from the "evil erasing thing", and that childhood memory was not meant to be removed from his mind. The entire movie is like a jigsaw puzzle. You need to piece it all together and when you do, you see the entire picture.It's a wonderful movie! Nobody should miss it. I'm not very good at predicting things, or knowing whether or not a movie is going to be nominated for an Oscar. But, I do hope that this movie wins Best Picture for 2004.
    The meaning of the movie is hard to find. One would be that, you shouldn't make decisions so quickly because when Joel decided to erase Clementine he wasn't thinking about how much he loved her. But I think that the best one we came up with is, hurtful memories make up a person. They may not be pleasant, but without them you would just keep making the same mistakes and you wouldn't learn anything. You learn from your mistakes. So, you're mistakes and bad memories pretty much build you.
    I'm going to conclude by saying, if you haven't seen it, you really should. So, I'll quit typing now, and let "The Proffessional" start writing again (Hint Hint: Love Ya, Dad). I hope my writing hasn't been too bland or boring compared to all this flamboyant writing I hear of, and I'm going to leave now (my dad will KILL BILL when he sees what time it is) Bye!
    -Chelsea Jubis-

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Re: Eternal Sunshine

    Originally posted by oscar jubis
    But I think that the best one we came up with is, hurtful memories make up a person. They may not be pleasant, but without them you would just keep making the same mistakes and you wouldn't learn anything. You learn from your mistakes. So, you're mistakes and bad memories pretty much build you.
    Thanks for the review. I think you wrote a better review than I could have done!

    I would like to add a comment to your note above. It is true that mistakes and hurtful memories are valuable learning experiences and do contribute to your overall persona (i.e. they build you). But, positive memories and joyful experiences are, in my opinion, just as important and valuable in building up a person's character and persona. We can learn from our pleasant experiences as well; that's something I try to focus on.

    The writer of this film has written several other interesting and unique films in the past few years. I'm looking forward to seeing this one. Thanks again for the review.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Ottawa Canada
    Well Chelsea your enthusiam has not gone unnoticed.

    I will make a point of checking out this "memory" movie due to your somewhat ambiguous but nonetheless engaging review. Eternal Sunshine was not a film I had earmarked but will do so now.

    I don't know how old you are but you have the makings of a movie reviewer (and I'm not being facetious). Tone and attitude are paramount to me in terms of movie reviews, and I sense your euphoria.

    I'll post my thoughts on this film when I drag myself to the theatre.
    "Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd

  4. #4
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    Oct 2002
    Hey! It's Chelsea again. Not too bad for a 13-year-old huh? lol Thanx for replying JustaFied! I definetely do agree with you that pleasant memories help to build your persona just as much as bad memories do. But in the movie the memories they try to erase are the bad ones, until Joel finally realizes that he needs the memories or else he'll only end up doing the same thing with someone else. So, I guess I was trying to focus on the bad memories, and in my enclosed thought process I was too stubborn to think about anything else lol. Thanks for writing! Well, I'm going to go read Chris Knipp's post on this movie (33 people have read it but he has no responses and he wrote on March 28th). I want to go write him something (even though it will be the same trash I put on my "Review" lol just playing). I'll write later (i guess).
    -Chelsea Jubis-
    P.S. For all of you wondering what "lol"'s Laughing Out Loud. ok bye!
    Last edited by oscar jubis; 04-23-2004 at 04:23 PM.

  5. #5
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    Oct 2002
    Johann, thanks for writing back also. (I hadn't noticed that you wrote until after I submitted my reply). I agree with you. You should go see it. Thank you for saying that I have the makings of a movie reviewer! Maybe it was only because I was excited about this movie, or maybe it was just because I'm turning into my father (wait 'till mom hears this!). I want to see more movies written by Charlie Kauffman. My father says I've been missing out. I hope you can drag yourself to the theater soon. See you (wait! see?) Write back later! Bye!

  6. #6
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    Jul 2002
    Hope your interest in film continues to grow, Chelsea. You've got a great resource in your father.

    You should check out "Being John Malkovich", also written by Kaufman. It's rated "R" but I don't think it's particularly inappropriate for 13 year old viewing, just a little bit strange in its story. Good luck!

  7. #7
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    Oct 2002
    Thanx JustaFied! It just so happens that my dad was trying to remember the movie to figure out if it was appropriate for me. I'm sure that when I see it I will like it as well. His writing in this movie impressed me very much! I love to write short stories and poetry so I like to see movies with a great script. Charlie Kauffman seems like a good writer and I would like to see more movies he has written. Strange stories are fun to watch and really amuse me so, "Being John Malkovich" seems like it would be my type of movie already. Thank you for the recommendation. I liked writing this very much. So, when I'm not doing homework or practicing for chorus I'll write about "Thirteen" also (what a fake movie). Later! Bye!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    SF Bay Area

    All Charlie Kaufman all the time

    Charlie Kaufman screenplays:

    Eternal Sunshine... (2004)
    Being John Malkovich (1999)
    Human Nature (2001)
    Adaptation (2002)
    Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)

    The last is the craziest and my favorite and George Clooney's directorial debut. I haven't seen Human Nature, which was directed by Michael Gondry of Eternal Sunshine. . .

    Warning: Getting 'into' Charlie Kaufman could be like opening a Pandora's Box.


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