This was indeed a telling film. I found it superior to F911, less sensationalized at least.

The revelation that I left with came from the reaction of the American and English journalists after the bombing of Al Jazeera and Abu Dabi. They knew instantly that it was bullshit, criminal activity and they immediately flexed all of the journalistic muscle that they were capable of to show the world what kind of bullshit was going on.

Curiously, over here in the sphere of western influence, we heard nothing about these blatant attempts to destroy freedom of the press, these acts of aggression against the concepts of the first amendment.

It became apparent to me that those who are responsible for the lies, half truths and propaganda that counts as news today are the ones administrating the networks and handling the reports that come from the front. Those employed in the war zone are doing a difficult and demanding job. I think that generally, field journalists value their integrity and do their best to report fairly.
