I acknowledge the "A" for effort on Minority Report, but truth be told, I WALKED OUT.
The film was more than halfway over and I just wasn't into it. Great to look at (no shortage of visual splendor) it just had no juice for me. Jaws & A.I. will always be my favorite Spielberg films.
I was scratching my head when Ebert called it a masterpiece.

I agree: since the 70's, the Academy has rarely chosen to honor films that I think were worthy. I can think of 4 only:

The Godafther
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest
The Last Emperor
(A case could be made for The Deer Hunter, Gandhi, Platoon, Schindler's List & American Beauty, but I digress)

Cannes is usually bang-on accurate with the films it honors. (NO Palm D'or WINNER for 1975? PLEASE!)

In my mind I've given it to Barry Lyndon..